A diagnosis of epilepsy should not preclude an active sporting life


A diagnosis of epilepsy should not preclude an active sporting life

Chris Milne

Chris Milne

Rugby tackle
Most team sports are fine, including contact/ collision sports like rugby

For good seizure control, a healthy lifestyle should be maintained, and exercise is a part of that, provided a few simple rules are followed. Physical activity also significantly helps people with epilepsy remain integrated in society

Epilepsy is a common condition, affecting about 2 per cent of the population. These people can still participate in sport, but there are a few simple

1. Nakken Ko, Bjorholt PG, Johannessen SI et al. Effect of physical training on aerobic capacity, seizure occurrence and serum level of antiepileptic drugs in adults with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1990;31:88–94.