E-lated: What’s lagging with New Zealand health IT?

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E-lated: What’s lagging with New Zealand health IT?

Girl starting at computer, tech, health IT,
The COVID crisis has seen some health IT initiatives pushed through but general practice still awaits key developments

In 2012, a national health IT plan aimed for all New Zealanders to have electronic access to a core set of personal health information by the end of 2014. It didn’t happen. The ball got rolling towards greater use of texting and the trifecta of e-prescribing, e-referrals and e-laboratory reporting, but progress has been slow. Reporter Simon Maude finds out where all the stop-start change has landed us

COVID-19 measures prompted GPs to leap out of the comfort zone of the in-person consul-tation that dates back to medicine’s very beginnings. But fe