Connections and conversations: Helping rangatahi in Porirua

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Connections and conversations: Helping rangatahi in Porirua

The 502 staff
The 502 team is here to help rangatahi in Porirua navigate their way through life – from social complexities to contraception or a sprained arm. Back row, from left: Rachel Field, Reo Va’a, Anna Patterson, Mackenzie Jane, Tessa Green, Kat Welsh...

The first Māori-owned one-stop-shop for youth in Aotearoa, The 502 opened in 2021. Now with close to 1000 patientson its books and a new location, the ‘home away fromhome’ has gained the trust of it often complex patients. Zahra Shahtahmasebi reports

Marama McGhie is passionate about normalising conversations for rangatahi. A nurse, Ms McGhie is one of the 23-strong team that makes up The 502 Ra