Wide-ranging nutritional issues affect those with Parkinson disease


Wide-ranging nutritional issues affect those with Parkinson disease

By Sarah MacAvoy
Nutrition is an important but often overlooked part of managing Parkinson disease [Image: Sweet Life on Unsplash]

Dietitian Sarah MacAvoy discusses the symptoms of Parkinson disease that affect a person’s ability to maintain good nutrition and those that can be improved with dietary strategies. She also looks at how food and medications interact

Key points, The prevalence of Parkinson disease is increasing worldwide. People with Parkinson disease face many nutrition-related issues. Dietary, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. WHO. Parkinson disease. 9 August 2023.

2. New Zealand Brain Research Institute. Prevalence and Incidence of Parkinson’s in New Zealand.

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4. American Parkinson Disease Association. The Importance of Healthy Eating for People with Parkinson’s.

5. Lithander F. Nutritional Considerations for Parkinsons [webinar]. Dietitians NZ, 15 October 2024.