What does quality care for people with melanoma look like in New Zealand?

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What does quality care for people with melanoma look like in New Zealand?

ELearning now available for doctors

Amanda Oakley

[Images: Supplied]

In this column, dermatologist Amanda Oakley summarises the Quality Statements to Guide Melanoma Diagnosis and Treatment in New Zealand, focusing on the statements relevant to those working in primary care

Key points, Dermatoscopy is an essential skill for primary care practitioners to help in early detection of melanoma when undertaking full-body skin checks. Ide, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

MelNet. Quality Statements to Guide Melanoma Diagnosis and Treatment in New Zealand. Christchurch, NZ: Melanoma Network of New Zealand; 2021. https://www.melnet.org.nz/resources/quality-statements-to-guide-melanoma-diagnosis-and-treatment-in-new-zealand