A vagina is a vagina is a vagina, except when it’s not

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Sexual health

A vagina is a vagina is a vagina, except when it’s not

By Massimo Giola
Transwomen go to Thailand for gender-affirming genital surgery as the waiting list in Aotearoa is glacially slow [Image: Niels Steeman on Unsplash]

Sexual health specialist Massimo Giola discusses feminising gender-affirming genital surgery and why you need to know the surgical technique used for each patient

Key points, Clinicians need to know how gender-affirming genital surgery was performed and what tissues were used, in order to provide optimal care and advice. , Pract Green w Pale Yellow

Cornelisse VJ, Jones RA, Fairley CK, Grover SR. The medical care of the neovagina of transgender women: a review. Sex Health 2017;14(5):442–50.

Hontscharuk R, Alba B, Hamidian Jahromi A, Schechter L. Penile inversion vaginoplasty outcomes: Complications and satisfaction. Andrology 2021;9(6):1732–43.

The New Zealand Sexual Health Society. Guidelines. www.nzshs.org/guidelines