Using written exposure therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder

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Mental health

Using written exposure therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder

Bruce Arroll

Bruce Arroll

Mental Health_Writing
Writing seems to be a less traumatic way for patients to revisit their trauma [Image: Ben Mullins on Unsplash]

Specialist GP Bruce Arroll has had experience using written exposure therapy for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and wants to share how it might be useful in primary care

Key points, Written exposure therapy requires patients to write in detail about their trauma for 30 minutes at each of five sessions. WET appears to be a safe, , Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Oakley-Browne MA, Wells JE, Scott KM (eds). Te Rau Hinengaro: The New Zealand Mental Health Survey. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Health; 2006.

2. Sloan DM, Marx BP. An overview of written exposure therapy: A brief treatment for PTSD. Psychiatric Annals 2024;54(3):e70–74.

3. Cole TA, Reuman L, Lee DJ, et al. The effect of time since index trauma on trauma-related beliefs. Psychol Trauma 2024;16(2):331–39.