New research describes a preventive treatment paradox in advanced age

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New research describes a preventive treatment paradox in advanced age

Ngaire Kerse

Ngaire Kerse

Woman looking at pills
Women were found to be less likely to receive triple therapy [Image: SelectStock on iStock]

Professor Ngaire Kerse summarises recent research carried out at the University of Auckland into the use of cardiovascular disease preventive medications in people aged 65 and over

Key points, Recent research shows that the cardiovascular disease preventive medications most likely to cause harm are those most likely to be dispensed to older , Pract Green w Pale Yellow

Wells S, Choi Y, Jackson R, et al. Cardiovascular disease preventive medication dispensing for almost every New Zealander 65 years and over: a preventive treatment paradox? Age Ageing 2022;51(1):afab265.