Knee meniscal tear update: Getting to the root of the problem

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Knee meniscal tear update: Getting to the root of the problem

Steve Targett

Steve Targett

Knee injury
No specific history or examination findings distinguish a root tear from other meniscal tears [Image: Chad Zuber - Shakzu on Fotolia]

Sports physician Steve Targett reviews meniscal root tears, including their significance, diagnosis and treatment

Key points, Meniscal root tears have a poor prognosis with serious biomechanical consequences, including meniscal extrusion, secondary osteoarthritis and subchond, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Randazzo E, Duerr R, Baria MR. Meniscus root tears: A clinical review. Curr Sports Med Rep 2022;21(5):155–58.

Figure: Koo JH, Choi SH, Lee SA, Wang JH. Comparison of medial and lateral meniscus root tears. PLoS One 2015;10(10):e0141021.