Getting the balance of risks right with Bexsero and paracetamol

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Getting the balance of risks right with Bexsero and paracetamol

Leanne Te Karu

Leanne Te Karu

Cute Baby
Global use of Bexsero in infants has significantly decreased invasive meningococcal disease [Image: Nihal Karkala on Unsplash]

The incidence of invasive meningococcal disease has increased over the last five years, with Māori and Pacific babies inequitably affected. Broader protection is now possible with the Bexsero vaccine, but careful coadministration of paracetamol is required to mitigate common adverse effects, says pharmacist prescriber Leanne Te Karu

Key points, Bexsero is a reactogenic vaccine; it is advised that three doses of paracetamol be administered alongside the vaccination. Paracetamol is the most c, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

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6. UK National Health Service. How and when to give paracetamol for children.