The first time a patient offers you a gift, consider the pros and cons of accepting

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The first time a patient offers you a gift, consider the pros and cons of accepting

Jo Scott-Jones

Jo Scott-Jones

The gift of a jar of English Marmite came as an unexpected surprise
The gift of a jar of English Marmite came as an unexpected surprise

GP Jo Scott-Jones says it is important to understand the motivation behind a gift, and highlights some features of gift-giving to be aware of

Keypoints, It is unprofessional to encourage patients to give gifts that will benefit you, but a small gift may be accepted if it would be offensive to reject it, Pract Green w Pale Yellow
  1. Medical Council of New Zealand. Good Medical Practice. December 2016.
  2. Health and Disability Commissioner. Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.
  3. Waikato DHB. Receiving and Giving of Gifts. February 2016.