Diabetes doesn’t preclude success at high-level sport

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Sports medicine

Diabetes doesn’t preclude success at high-level sport

Chris Milne

Chris Milne

For athletes who use insulin, frequent blood glucose checks are required to implement carbohydrate intake and insulin adjustment strategies [Image: isens usa on Unsplash]

Sports physician Chris Milne provides advice for exercising safely with diabetes, then examines the diabetes complications of relevance to sporting activity

Key points, Exercise is an essential component of diabetes management. Hypoglycaemia during or after exercise is the main risk, particularly for those who take , Pract Green w Pale Yellow

Hoffmann S, Hislop M. Diabetes mellitus. In: Brukner P, Khan K (eds). Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine: Volume 2, The Medicine of Exercise, Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd; 2019.