Respiratory physician Lutz Beckert considers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, including the prevention of COPD, the importance of smoking cessation and pulmonary rehabilitation, and the lifesaving potential of addressing treatable traits. He also discusses the logic of inhaler therapy, moving from single therapy to dual and triple therapy when indicated, as well as other aspects of management
COLLECTIONS: System Fix - the podcast for health reform junkies
COLLECTIONS: System Fix - the podcast for health reform junkies

Looking to keep up to date with changes to the health system. Check out our podcast System Fix
System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain talks to colleague and journalist Fiona Cassie about her feature story "Boiled frogs, tight nooses: The making of a PHO contract" to learn more about the mysterious general practice contract "negotiation" process run under the PHO Services Amendment Agreement Protocol, or PSAAP to its friends.
After a sojourn, the System Fix panel is back with an update of the last five months in health reform - that is the time BEFORE health minister Shane Reti turned Te Whatu Ora and the reforms on their head by ditching the board and installing a commissioner. The Government Policy Statement on Health, a reality check on health targets, the puzzling road ahead for iwi Māori partnership boards and the move towards social investment are just some of the topics we touch on in Episode 27. Join host Barbara Fountain and regular panellists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel for this latest health reform fix.
It's a cracker episode with panellists and health policy experts Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel joining me, Barbara Fountain, to catch up on the latest in health reforms. The panel convened in the middle of a week that started with the Parliamentary debate on the disestablishment of Te Aka Whai Ora. You’ll hear about:
- The impact of the closure of Te Aka Whai Ora on Māori patients and providers and the wider reforms.
- The resulting brake on the rollout of localities, the increased role for iwi Māori partnership boards and where all this leaves the Hauora Māori Advisory Committee.
- Tim railing against the use of urgency in Parliament (elective dictatorship) and the misnomer that is the health postcode lottery.
- The health status report getting a plug, even if just as a useful resource tool.
- Gabrielle updating us on progress on the second stage of the Wai2575 claim concerning tāngata whaikaha Māori, Māori with lived experience of disability.
All this and more.
The year 2023 is quickly becoming a distant memory as the great Kiwi summer does an excellent job of wiping the neural slate clean. I took the opportunity of an unexpected convalescence, to refresh my memory by looking back at the editorials I wrote in 2023. The heart of New Zealand Doctor Rata Aoteraroa is in primary care and you’ll hear that theme loud and strong in this episode of System Fix. I’m not promising a comprehensive look at the year - more of a fly by. You can always fast forward when 2023 gets too much. So, settle in and drift back to early 2023 when Jacinda Ardern was prime minister, Andrew Little was health minister and Rob Campbell was chair of Te Whatu Ora.
Abbe Anderson is Te Whatu Ora national director commissioning. The buck stops with her for any items relating to funding and planning in primary care and community health. System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain recently caught up with Abbe via Zoom. They chatted about her passion to see a reform built on knowing what people want of their health system, progress with sector restructuring, why that capitation offer won't go past 5 per cent, the growth of localities, and the weight of expectation, aka, what keeps Abbe awake at night. Thanks for listening.
Five weeks after he was sacked as chair of the board of Te Whatu Ora, Rob Campbell reflected on what was going so wrong with the health reforms and what might be done to make it right. He was speaking to a meeting of the Fabian Society in Wellington. System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain says that speech and Mr Campbell’s subsequent comments deserve more air time and replays it as part of this podcast episode. Mr Campbell provides the ultimate insider’s view of the reform process – with fresh eyes on health he was leading the new structure at the heart of the reform, that is, until he was dismissed by health minister Ayesha Verrall for breaching public service etiquette and commenting on political matters outside his brief role
System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain is joined by regular panelists, independent health policy consultant Gabrielle Baker and Auckland University health policy professor Tim Tenbensel, for the first episode of 2023. You name it, we cover it - a new health minister, the end of the transition unit, progress with planned care, commissioning, iwi Māori partnership boards, localities, PHOs, capitation, pay parity, primary care funding, disability developments, performance targets, workforce and transparency
Iwi Māori partnership boards are a crucial element of the new health sector landscape. The boards are the Treaty partners in a system which has as a key priority achieving equity in health outcomes for Māori. System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain is joined by regular panelist Gabrielle Baker and guest Simon Royal to take a look at the challenges facing these new boards
System Fix host and New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain provides a quick rundown of events around the 1 July launch of New Zealand's new central health entities - Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora - Māori Health Authority, and then makes way for senior journalist Martin Johnston's interview with Te Whatu Ora board chair Rob Campbell, who admits he was quite shocked when he realised quite how dysfunctional the health system was
As the 1 July deadline looms, System Fix host Barbara Fountain is joined by regular panelists independent health policy consultant Gabrielle Baker and Auckland University health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel, for a whistlestop tour of the latest developments in the roll out of the health reforms
System Fix host Barbara Fountain is joined by New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa senior journalist Martin Johnston in conversation with Martin Hefford of the interim Health New Zealand, on the afternoon of 21 April, the day health minister Andrew Little announced the first nine prototype localities
It's been a while between podcasts, what with the summer break and now COVID making its mark in New Zealand. System Fix host Barbara Fountain joins regular panelists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel to catch up with progress on the roll out of the health sector reforms, or as we like to call it, the Big Little Revolution
New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain and senior journalist Martin Johnston recap progress with the country's health reforms in 2021
The health reforms legislation - Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill - was tabled by health minister Andrew Little on 20 October and soon after passed its first reading. Regular System Fix panelists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel join host Barbara Fountain with a mission in mind - their own reading of the bill, so you don't have to (though we know you probably will - it's the bane of being a health reform junkie)
New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain talks to Stephen McKernan, director of the Health and Disability Review Transition Unit, and his deputy, Martin Hefford, about function trumping form, a crucial health plan, central agencies vs local services, communities and localities, private providers, workforce, leadership and, ultimately, selling the plan for health sector reform and convincing people to stay the course
New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain talks to David Meates, former chief executive of Canterbury DHB and now roving health reform consultant, about how change happens in health systems…and more
It’s just over 400 days since the report of the Health and Disability System Review Panel, aka the Simpson Report, was released. New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain and regular System Fix panelists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel catch up on the latest developments in the roll out of reforms to the New Zealand health system
In Episode 10, System Fix covered the National Rural Health Conference, asking delegates for their thoughts on the proposed health sector changes. Here, in Episode 11, New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain talks to long-time rural health champion Kim Gosman (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa and Ngāti Tautahi) about health reform and what it might mean for rural and Māori heath. Kim has worked as a nurse, midwife, health services manager and in governance role
New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain caught up with folk in the rural health sector at the National Rural Health Conference to find out what they're thinking about the health reforms, in particular rural localities. Health and Disability System Transition Unit deputy director Martin Hefford provides some insights on the proposed changes. Features - Honey winer, Jo scott-Jones, Kate Baddock, Garry Nixon, Emily Gill and Don Cameron
Regular panelists, independent health researcher Gabrielle Baker and University of Auckland health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel, join New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain to take on the challenge of interpreting what this year’s Budget might mean for health and more specifically the health reforms, and catch up on progress with the reforms rollout
Health minister Andrew Little revealed his plans for the health system on 21 April with a restructuring which went well beyond that recommended in the Health and Disability System Review. Barbara Fountain and regular panelists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel digest the news
Her Easter plans having changed unexpectedly and with an announcement on the new health sector structures expected before the end of the month, New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain, spent a rainy day at home hunting out the audio from last year's Popcorn Panel discussing super-sized DHBs and the proposed Health NZ. Joining her from the archival audio footage are health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel, health sector commentator Ian Powell and ProCare medical director and former DHB man Allan Moffitt. It's not your usual panel discussion.
Barbara Fountain recaps the latest on the reforms taking place in the health system, and chats to Christchurch GP Vanessa Weenink and Auckland medical oncologist George Laking (Te Whakatōhea) – both with leadership roles in the sector – about the tricky issue of professional capture of systems and change; how veteran medical professionals could benefit from the education their younger colleagues are receiving, and the power shifts needed to help make reforms work.
The System Fix panel - Barbara Fountain, Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel - continues sifting through the bits and bobs of official news about transforming the New Zealand health and disability system. There’s more happening than first appearances might suggest
Episode 4: Time tables, game changers, the perennial issue of power plays within government systems, and more on what a Māori health agency might look like, are all up for discussion by Barbara Fountain and regular panellists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel
Episode 3: New Zealand Doctor|Rata Aotearoa senior journalist Martin Johnston talks to health minister Andrew Little about progress with implementing the health sector changes as proposed by the Simpson Report
Episode 2: Disability services advocate Ruth Jones (Ngāti Porou) of Hei Whakapiki Mauri and Kanohi ki te Kanohi Consultancy and Jane Cartwright, chair of intellectual disabilities services provider Brackenridge Services, talk with New Zealand Doctor|Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain about why the Simpson report falls short for people with disabilities (With apologies for some technical glitches). Subscribe using your podcast provider or click below to listen
The Health Media’s Barbara Fountain, health sector consultant Gabrielle Baker (Ngāpuhi) and health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel start out on a journey, to follow the implementation of changes to the New Zealand health and disability system. We start with introductions, some initial thoughts on legislated charters, meaningful acknowledgement of te Tiriti o Waitangi and transition – fast and slow. Subscribe using your podcast provider or click below to listen