A doctor’s checklist: Listen to what the heart tells you

A doctor’s checklist: Listen to what the heart tells you

Hosted content
From Ora Toa
1 minute to Read
Now Hiring GPs

A unique recruitment drive is underway to attract GPs to the lands of Ngāti Toa Rangatira, across the Wellington region, for those who value lifestyle and service to others.

A lifestyle focused on connection to land and service to people is how Ora Toa believes it will pull at the heart strings of GPs, in their latest recruitment drive.

The Primary Health Organisation has clinics across the Wellington region, and uses a unique integrated service model, based on kaupapa Māori.

Ora Toa's Director of Health, Michael Rongo, believes its philosophy: huihuia te puna Hauora, together towards wellness, will attract GPs who are looking for something more than a 15-minute consultation slot.
“Ora Toa can provide purpose for GPs who really want to make a difference while enjoying a lifestyle such as exploring our local coastline and harbour, access to the famous Titahi Golf Club, hiking and cycling tracks across the region, and much more.

“Ora Toa clinics operate in vibrant, colourful communities. Our people will take care of you because you take care of them.”

Ora Toa is part of Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, which provides a range of commercial and social services for its tribal members and local communities from Porirua to Wellington.

“What this means, is we live and breathe holistic healthcare at Ora Toa,” says Rongo.

“For example, a GP can provide clinical care for their patient, and if needed, refer them to a range of other services we offer through the Rūnanga.

“They can access education courses, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, kai services including a foodbank and social supermarket, regular diabetes education, Māori language learning courses, youth health, dental care - you name it, we do it all.”

Rongo knows it’s a hard sell to find GPs in a competitive market, but he has a few aces up his sleeve including the salary package. To enjoy the work-life balance, the clinic hours can be negotiated too. He’s keeping the other incentive cards close to his chest.

“We know there’s something special about the work we do and the people we do it for,” says Rongo. “We’re both proud and excited to send out the call, the karanga, to GPs to come to our whenua, the land of Ngāti Toa Rangatira and make a difference to people living in our area.”

The campaign has already started to attract a number of inquiries from GPs across Aotearoa and overseas. For further details, visit: oratoa.co.nz/careers