Breast injury: Under-researched but important problem in women’s sport

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Breast injury: Under-researched but important problem in women’s sport

Chris Milne

Chris Milne

Black Ferns, rugby, women's rugby
In contact sports, such as rugby, wearing additional padding has the potential to dissipate impact

As more women participate in sport, so the injuries specific to women deserve more of our attention and understanding, says sports physician Chris Milne

Key points, Breast injuries in sport are rarely reported to health professionals but do adversely affect athlete performance. Athletes, particularly those in co, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Smith LJ, Eichelberger TD, Kane EJ. Breast injuries in female collegiate basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball athletes: Prevalence, type and impact on sports participation. Eur J Breast Health 2018;14(1):46–50.

2. Brisbine BR, Steele JR, Phillips EJ, et al. The occurrence, causes and perceived performance effects of breast injuries in elite female athletes. J Sports Sci Med 2019;18(3):569–76.